
Yogic breathing practices are about becoming one with the Atmosphere -
connecting our breath with the great power of the wind
and the bio-electrical forces of nature.
Our own breath is our own atmosphere or energy of our being.
-David Frawley

Think of your body as a musical instrument, a wind instrument.
Your breath, accordingly, is the wind through the instrument.
As such, it is the single most important aspect of yoga technique.
-Erich Schiffman

Breathe deep into the solar plexus, the sea of fire,
and then breathe out, radiating light, from the heart center.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Breathing is the essence of yoga.
Breathe naturally, without forcing.
No pressure, no disturbance,
nothing should interfere
with the simple tide-like movement of our lungs
as we breathe in and out.
-Vanda Scaravelli

each time you breath in
and each time you breathe out
it's like offering your body to this wave
that runs up and down
up and down
the whole length of your body
-Sandra Sabatini

the back of the spine is like
the bed of a river
the breath is the river
you sense - at the same time -
the riverbed, the riversides
and the flowing river
-Sandra Sabatini

Nothing to hear
but the beautiful rhythm
of your inhalations and exhalations.
-Baron Baptiste

The breath.
It's just like life itself.
It comes and it goes.
-Sharon Gannon and David Life

Our breath is the bridge that unites body and mind.
-Thich Nhat Hanh

The breath is the intelligence of the body.
-T. K. V. Desikachar

The breath brings the poses to life.
-Erich Schiffman

The thread of breath is dedicated
to the continuous untying of these knots!
-Mirza Ghalib

Allow the breath to replace the thinking mind
as the guiding impulse behind movement and stretch.
-Erich Schiffman

Breathing out, I do not follow myriad objects;
breathing in, I do not dwell on the elements of body or mind.

Whenever you are conscious of the breath,
you are absolutely present.
You may also notice that you cannot think
and be aware of your breathing.
Conscious breathing stops your mind.
-Eckhart Tolle 
The whirlpools of mind can be stilled with breath.

Breathing can make giants of us all.
-Douglas Baker